Grand Prairie: Books On Living With People With PTSD

Grand Prairie: Books On Living With People With PTSD
In our book #dealwithit – living well with PTSD, my wife Melissa talks about what she does to help me when various things trigger me, basically, how do people in Grand Prairie Deal With PTSD Triggers.
In this clip from a recent radio interview, she steps through the simple 3 or 4 things she does every tie that help me. In another interview we did together, we talk about the power and role of a partner in recovery and how she has never allowed herself to become my PTSD caregiver. We would encourage you to view those as well.
Grand Prairie: Books On Living With People With PTSD
If you have PTSD or know someone who does suffer from it in Grand Prairie, I think you will find our book ‘#dealwithit- living well with PTSD’ helpful. We talk about what we have done together that has helped me graduate beyond just being a ‘survivor’ of PTSD and trauma; what works; what doesn’t; and what I have screwed up.

Fundamentally, #dealwithit is about overcoming adversity in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
Use the code ‘s2s’ for a 20% discount — our gift to you.
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